Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Blood And Mucus Period Need Help. Cramping Like I'm On My Period And Slight Blood In Mucus Looking Stuff.?

Need help. Cramping like I'm on my period and slight blood in mucus looking stuff.? - blood and mucus period

It's time for my period and cramps do not stop I'm with you. It's a little blood in the mucus search commands and do not know what it is. I sleep the whole time and my belly feels a bit heavy. I do not know what's going on and I just need answers. Please help me. I can not ask my doctor because he smiles at me when I see it.


Anonymous said...

First, why your doc makes you laugh?

Have you been recently?

Anonymous said...

First, why your doc makes you laugh?

Have you been recently?

Anonymous said...

First, why your doc makes you laugh?

Have you been recently?

Anonymous said...

The honey of your position. It comes to us from time to time, trying, especially if your body to regulate the cycle again. But of course there are other causes of the website. Two important examples of methods of contraception and the input of the first trimester of pregnancy. Your doctor should sit down and a serious conversation with you. I understand that it does not take you seriously, you should go to the doctor. I recommend a doctor, because she probably has it and understand what happened.

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